Ratman Portal комикс

Portal 2: Lab Rat

Following several flashbacks of Rattman's employment at Aperture Science, he witnesses firsthand the ending events of Portal. After Chell is abducted by the Party rt Bot, he delves back into the crumbling complex in an attempt to rescue her.

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Doug Rattmann | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom

Doug Rattmann, [2] [3] also known as the Ratman, [5] is a former Aperture Science employee, and one of the few survivors of GLaDOS ' flooding of the Enrichment Center with neurotoxin. Introduced through his murals in Portal, his story was expanded in Portal 2: Lab Rat.

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Where To Find All Of Rat Man's Dens In Portal & Portal 2

Shoot a portal on the wall past the gate and one in front of you to bypass it, then progress down the hallway. You'll find a little duct to your right that you need to crouch to get through, and on the other side of it is Rattman's fourth den.

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Read the Entirety of Mike Oeming's 26-Page 'Portal 2: Lab Rat…

Courtesy of Valve, we've got that entire 26-page digital comic for you to read right here at ComicsAlliance. Overseen by Oeming, Portal 2: Lab Rat is not a licensed comic book tie-in but rather an in-continuity extension of Valve's own work on the Portal franchise.

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Doug Rattmann

Doug Rattmann, [2] [3] also known as the Ratman, [5] is a former Aperture Science employee, and one of the few survivors of GLaDOS ' flooding of the Enrichment Center with neurotoxin. Rattmann was introduced through his murals in Portal, …

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Даг Ратман

Даг Ратман — бывший ученый Центра развития Лаборатории. Является единственным выжившим после инцидента, совершенного еще до событий Portal, в ходе которого ГЛаДОС распылила смертельный нейротоксин по всей Лаборатории. Параноик-шизофреник, зависимый от антипсихотического препарата, который помогает больному окончательно …

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Portal 2: Lab Rat

Portal 2: Lab Rat is a comic made to bridge the gap between Portal and Portal 2. Expanding the history of Aperture Science, its main protagonist is Doug Rattmann, also known as "the Ratman" or "Rat Man". This is his first formal appearance after indirectly appearing in Portal and the Portal ARG.

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Doug Rattmann

Doug Rattman, also nicknamed as simply the Rat Man, was a scientist at the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. Prior to the events of Portal while GLaDOS began flooding the entire facility with neurotoxin, Rattman is the only known employee to have survived.

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GLaDOS Origin Story Told in Full Portal 2 Comic

The comic follows Doug "Ratman" Rattmann, an Aperture Science employee otherwise known as the guy that scribbled all those helpful messages on the walls of the test chambers in Portal.

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Valves new comic Portal 2: Lab Rat bridges the gap between the events of the video games Portal and Portal 2 and tells an exciting new story set in the world of Aperture Science

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